7 Ways on How to Avoid Yeast Infection in Women

Yeast infections are more common than you think. In fact, seventy-five percent of women have had it at least once during their lives and forty-five percent have had two or more episodes of the dreaded infection. If you belong to the second group, chances are you want to find out desperately how to avoid yeast infection.
Don't you hate the fact that when the infection is present, you somehow lose your ability to enjoy your life to the fullest? Of all the symptoms of Candidiasis, I think you can't agree with me more that the most bothersome is the exaggerated itch down there.
Here are some ways on how to avoid yeast infection:
1.) Avoid wearing tight-fitting pants and shorts. For some women, this is somehow hard to do but if you're tired of the burning, itching and other discomforts of Candidiasis, you just have to do this.
A tight, moist environment is a good breeding ground for yeasts. Aside from tight jeans and shorts, you should also avoid nylon panties, pantyhose or any type of clothing made of synthetic materials like polyester. You always want to stay dry, cool and airy. If you have to wear pantyhose, choose one that has a cotton panel so that moisture is absorbed away from your body.
2.) If possible, wear cotton underwear all the time or at least those panties with a cotton panel at the crotch. Lace is sexy but it tends to worsen the itching. Also, you have to avoid wearing panty liners because they increase your risk of recurring vaginal yeast infections. If you must, buy breathable panty liners.
3.) Avoid sharing pieces of clothing with other people because you are putting yourself at a higher risk in acquiring an infection. In addition to that, you always have to make sure that you only wear clean clothes. Fungus can develop when you wear dirty clothes and this is an inviting scenario for future infections.
4.) Another way on how to avoid yeast infection is to wipe from front to back. Some women may not realize this but not doing so will spread of bacteria from the anus to the vagina.
5.) Avoid using douches, scented powders, scented tampons, scented napkins and feminine deodorant sprays (this is the culprit for my recurring infections) because they contain chemicals and perfumes that have a tendency to upset the natural balance of good bacteria in the vaginal area. It's a definite no-no to douche while you are on a treatment because douching can spread the infection up through your cervix and into the uterus.
6.) Eat yogurt everyday. Yogurt contains live cultures of lactobacillus acidophilus that may help prevent yeast infections. Go for plain yogurt and stay away from the flavored ones that are full of sugar.
7.) Watch your diet. Try decreasing your consumption of sugar because it helps yeast grow faster.
If you are tired of dealing with recurring yeast infections, why not try a holistic system? This means that you get down to the root of the problem. It does not only deal with one aspect of yeast infection but it deals with the situation as a whole so you won't have to worry about it ever again.